General Conduct
Your child is attempting to play at a national level and spectators will be held to a high standard at all JTI events. Please be aware that coaching of any player, on the golf course, is not allowed. Quietly follow players and keep emotions to a minimum. Smoking and drinking should be kept to a minimum and is not encouraged at any of our events.
Cell phones are not to be actively used on the golf course. Please turn off all electronic devices or set them to a silent ring. Cell phones may be used at the clubhouse area. You may take photos of the players, however please be respectful of their space.
Dress Code
All JTI spectators are expected to dress appropriately at the host facility. Blue jeans, tank tops, short shorts, flip flops, and other casual attire should not be worn on the golf course.
Communication with JTI Participants
Spectators may interact with players in the event of a health reason and handing them sunscreen, food, and beverage only. When a spectator decides to do this they should always do it in front of another spectator and/or other players. (Rule 8- Advice)
Rules Officials
Rules officials will be scattered throughout the golf course to assist players in need of rulings, to monitor pace of play, and for emergency situations. Players and spectators should notify a rules official when a situation arises on the golf course.
In the situation there is not a rules official nearby; a player should play a second ball under rule 3-3. Please be aware it’s the player’s responsibility to know the rules of golf.
Spectators should respect a rules situation. All spectators are asked to stay 25 yards away and not to be involved in the conversation. A spectator will be brought into a situation only if asked by the official.
Spectators should not confront Officials. If a spectator has a question, or information, for an Official it should be done away from the players and in a calmly manner
Advice (Rule 8. Advice; Indicating Line of Play)
“Advice is any counsel or suggestion that could influence a player in determining his play, the choice of a club or the method of making a stroke. Information on the Rules or on matters of public information, such as the position of hazards or the flagstick on the putting green, is not advice.”
Spectators are encouraged to stay out of rulings entirely. As a spectator you do not want to put a player in a situation where he gets a wrong ruling and is disqualified. You also put the player at risk of breaching Rule 8 (advice). All spectators are highly encouraged to read through Rule 8 (advice) in its entirety.
Penalty for a breach of Rule 8(advice) is loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play.
How to properly follow a group (Where you should stand & walk)
All spectators should follow players from a distance (at least 25 yards) and stay in the rough or on the cart paths. Spectators should NOT be in the fairways.
Always stay to the side of the action and remain calm and quiet.
Please keep up with your group. Move forward to the putting green when all shots have been completed.
Spectators must never be on the putting surface and should observe the putting green from a reasonable distance that will not interfere with the competitors.
Looking for Balls – As a spectator please help spot balls for all participants. This is a practice that helps our pace of play and is highly encouraged by all spectators. Please keep in mind the five minute rule.
Spectator Cart Policy
- For the 2024, JTI, there will not be any spectator carts provided to or available to spectators or guests of the players in the junior division, collegiate, and the professional tour division. Only Select Sponsors, Media, College Coaches, and our Staff will have access to the carts on the days of competition – Feb 17 & 18.
Appreciation of Golf Course and Staff
It is appropriate to express your appreciation to the host facility at the conclusion of an event. The golf course staff works very hard to ensure the course is in great shape and that we can have a enjoyable event. This significantly affects the JTI being able to return to that particular facility in the future. Please set a great example for your child and all people present. As a spectator we ask that you also respect our volunteers and tournament staff. If it weren’t for the staff members and volunteers, the JTI would not be able to run the caliber of event that you prefer.